
In the world of search engine optimization (SEO), guest posting has emerged as a powerful strategy to improve website rankings and increase online visibility. Guest posting involves writing and publishing articles on other websites or blogs to gain exposure, build backlinks, and drive targeted traffic to your own site. This article explores the benefits of free guest posting and provides valuable insights on finding high-quality websites, guidelines for successful guest posting, and tips for writing engaging content. Free Guest Posting Sites

Here is a list of websites where you can submit free guest posts:

  1. Medium: A popular blogging platform that allows guest posting on a wide range of topics.
  2. HubPages: A community-driven platform where you can contribute articles and earn revenue.
  3. EzineArticles: An article directory that accepts guest submissions in various categories.
  4. LinkedIn Pulse: A platform for professionals where you can publish articles and reach a wide audience.
  5. Buzzle: An article submission site covering diverse topics where you can submit guest posts.
  6. ArticleCube: A free article directory that accepts guest contributions in multiple niches.
  7. SooperArticles: An online article directory that allows free guest post submissions.
  8. ArticlesBase: An article directory that accepts guest contributions in various categories.
  9. GuestPostTracker: A website that provides a list of websites accepting guest posts in different niches.
  10. DAHE : you can also submit your article to create do follow list on our site.

Remember to review each website’s guidelines and policies before submitting your guest posts to ensure they align with your objectives.

Benefits of Free Guest Posting

One of the primary benefits of free guest posting is the opportunity to build backlinks, which are crucial for SEO. Backlinks act as “votes of confidence” from other websites, signaling search engines that your content is valuable and authoritative. By including links to your website within guest posts, you can enhance your website’s credibility and improve its search engine rankings.

Moreover, free guest posting allows you to tap into new audiences and expand your brand visibility. When your articles are published on reputable websites in your niche, you expose your brand to a wider audience that may have never discovered your website otherwise. This increased exposure can lead to more website traffic, social media followers, and potential customers.

Finding High-Quality Free Guest Posting Sites

To find high-quality free guest posting sites, you can employ various strategies. Online directories and platforms specifically designed for guest posting are excellent resources. They categorize websites accepting guest posts based on different niches, making it easier to find relevant opportunities.

Niche-specific communities and forums are another valuable source for finding guest posting sites. Engaging with communities in your industry not only helps you build relationships with like-minded individuals but also exposes you to potential guest posting opportunities.

Additionally, social media groups and pages focused on your niche can be treasure troves of guest posting opportunities. Many website owners and bloggers actively seek guest contributors through social media. By joining relevant groups and pages, you can connect with these individuals and explore guest posting possibilities.

Guidelines for Successful Guest Posting

Successful guest posting requires careful planning and execution. Before approaching websites for guest posting opportunities, conduct thorough research to understand their content, target audience, and guidelines. This knowledge will help you craft personalized pitches and create content that aligns with the website’s style and tone.

When crafting your pitch, focus on showcasing the value you can provide to the website’s audience. Highlight your expertise, unique insights, and the topics you can cover. Crafting a compelling pitch increases your chances of securing guest posting opportunities.

When writing guest posts, ensure they are of the highest quality. Your content should be well-researched, informative, and engaging. Incorporate relevant statistics, examples, and actionable tips to provide value to the readers. Don’t forget to include links to reputable sources and internal links to relevant content on your own website.

Approaching Website Owners

When reaching out to website owners for guest posting opportunities, personalized outreach is key. Generic mass emails are likely to be ignored or rejected. Take the time to understand the website owner’s goals and interests, and tailor your emails accordingly.

Demonstrate your value and expertise in your outreach emails. Share your previous guest posts, mention any relevant accolades or certifications, and highlight your unique perspectives. By establishing credibility and showcasing your knowledge, you increase the likelihood of website owners accepting your guest post proposals.

Building relationships with website owners is also important. Engage with their content, leave insightful comments, and share their articles on social media. By demonstrating genuine interest and support, you can foster meaningful connections that may lead to recurring guest posting opportunities.

Writing Engaging Guest Posts

To write engaging guest posts, it’s crucial to understand the target audience of the website where your article will be published. Research their demographics, interests, and pain points. Tailor your content to address their needs and provide solutions to their problems.

When crafting your guest post, focus on delivering valuable and actionable information. Offer unique perspectives, case studies, and practical tips that readers can apply immediately. Use a conversational style to keep the readers engaged and make the content relatable.

Incorporating visuals and multimedia elements, such as images, infographics, or videos, can significantly enhance the appeal of your guest posts. Visual content helps break up text and improves readability. It also makes your guest posts more shareable, increasing their potential reach and impact.

Tracking and Analyzing Guest Post Performance

After publishing your guest posts, it’s essential to track their performance to understand their impact on your SEO efforts. Monitor website traffic and referral sources to determine how many visitors are coming from your guest posts. This information helps you assess the effectiveness of your guest posting strategies and identify websites that bring the most valuable traffic.

Analyze engagement metrics such as bounce rate, time on page, and social shares to evaluate the quality and resonance of your guest posts. Identify patterns and trends to refine your content creation and promotion strategies.

Based on the data and insights you gather, adjust your guest posting strategies accordingly. Focus on websites that yield the best results, refine your content to resonate with the target audience, and strengthen relationships with websites that drive significant traffic and engagement.


Free guest posting sites offer an excellent opportunity to boost your SEO efforts by building high-quality backlinks, increasing website traffic, and expanding brand visibility. By following the guidelines for successful guest posting and creating engaging content, you can maximize the benefits of guest posting for your business. Remember to track and analyze the performance of your guest posts to refine your strategies and achieve long-term SEO success.


  1. Can I use the same guest post on multiple websites?
    • It’s generally not recommended to publish the exact same guest post on multiple websites. Each guest post should be unique to provide value to the target audience of the respective website.
  2. How many backlinks should I include in my guest post?
    • The number of backlinks depends on the guidelines provided by the website owner. It’s best to focus on including a reasonable number of relevant and authoritative backlinks to enhance the user experience.
  3. Should I pay for guest posting opportunities?
    • While some websites offer sponsored guest posting opportunities, it’s not necessary to pay for guest posting. Many reputable websites accept free guest posts if the content meets their quality standards.
  4. How long should my guest posts be?
    • Guest posts should be comprehensive enough to cover the topic adequately. Aim for a word count of at least 800 words, but the ideal length may vary depending on the website’s guidelines and audience preferences.
  5. How often should I publish guest posts?
    • The frequency of guest posting depends on your resources and goals. Consistency is key, so establish a manageable publishing schedule that allows you to maintain the quality of your guest posts.

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